Kill negative thoughts. Constantly have negative thoughts about yourself or the situation you may be in, can really affect you from achieving your goals and building your confidence.
Get to know yourself. When you can understand yourself, your thoughts and your self-worth, you can start to work towards improving it. If you do not take time to listen to yourself and understand how much you put yourself down, you will not know hot to change it for the better.
Change your body language. Changing your posture, smiling or even making eye contact can instantly make you feel and look more confident. Acting as though you have great confidence can actually help you to built it.
Create a positive support network. Having a suuportive network is a great way to boost confidence as they will make you feel more positive and start to feel better about yourself. This will help you to gain confidence and start to improve your self-esteem.
Practice self care. Being able to look after yourself and practice self-care could be having some "me time", which could include a bubble bath, dancing, or reading your favourite book. Doing things you like to do and treating yourself with respect is great self-care, and self-care determines the self-worth you have.
- ververaca
5 easy steps to boost self-confidence.
Updated: Aug 24, 2021